en:Whistleblower Channels AD/CA


En el Grup SEAT advoquem per una cultura corporativa de compliment de les legislacions nacionals i internacionals, així com de les normatives internes de SEAT i de el Grup Volkswagen. Per aquest motiu, posem a disposició dels nostres clients, empleats, socis comercials i altres tercers interessats, els següents punts de contacte:


Han sorgit problemes amb el taller o amb el concessionari on has comprat o reparat el teu cotxe? Tens alguna pregunta sobre els nostres cotxes o serveis?    

Per a aquestes situacions, ja hagis de presentar una reclamació o realitzar una consulta, pots contactar amb el nostre equip d'Atenció al Client quan ho necessitis, per telèfon de 9h a 20h (dies laborables) o mitjançant correu electrònic les 24h del dia.

Addicionalment, també pots posar-te en contacte amb nosaltres omplint un formulari a través del següent enllaç.    


Ets coneixedor de l'existència d'indicis fundats de corrupció o altres possibles irregularitats, incompliments o comportaments contraris a la legalitat, als principis que inspiren el nostre Codi de Conducta o les normes que regeixen el Grup SEAT?

Ja que considerem que la transparència i la confiança són essencials per a la sostenibilitat i l'èxit a llarg termini de l'empresa, el Grup SEAT proporciona la Guia anticorrupció, així com un sistema de denúncies. Si tenim sospites d'un possible incompliment de el Codi de Conducta o qualsevol infracció normativa greu en el nostre entorn de treball, podem comunicar-ho a través del sistema de denúncies de el Grup indicant el nostre nom o de forma anònima. Les infraccions normatives greus són aquelles que afecten de forma significativa a la reputació o als interessos financers de el Grup Volkswagen o d'una de les companyies de Grup.

El nostre sistema de denúncies es regeix, entre d'altres, pels principis de procediment just, presumpció d'innocència, proporcionalitat i protecció als informants. Totes les denúncies rebudes es tracten amb la màxima confidencialitat.

Aquest sistema de denúncies està a disposició tant dels nostres empleats com d'altres tercers interessats (clients, proveïdors, etc.). Poden comunicar l'existència d'irregularitats en els següents canals:s.




Transparencia@seat.es està gestionada internament pel departament de Compliance i Integritat de SEAT.

Per a dubtes sobre l'operativa d'aquest canal, pots contactar mitjançant el telèfon 900 103 220.    


In addition to transparencia@seat.es, you can find our local Ombudsman, through which whistleblowers can send hints.

Our local Ombudsman, Dr. David Velázquez, is a judge on leave of absence, independent lawyer and Doctor of Law who has been appointed for his extensive professional experience. He is bound by the oath of professional secrecy to keep strictly anonymous the identity of informants, if requested, and treat the data provided in the strictest confidence.

It is possible to contact our local Ombudsman by telephone or e-mail:

VW Group Whistleblower Channels


You have the option of using an internet-based communication platform to contact the Central Investigation Office of the VW Group, and communicate suspicious of irregularities, exchange documents and conduct a dialog with the lawyers via a separate mailbox. This system is confidential and protected. Whistleblowers can decide for themselves whether they wish to give their names. Likewise, confidentiality is ensured. You can access through the following link and select, at the right hand of the top, the desired language:



You can get in contact with the Central Investigation Office of the Volkswagen Group via E-Mail:


Please note that personal and traceable data such as the IP address may be transmitted indirectly when sending an e-mail. This data could reveal the identity of the sender. This also applies to e-mail accounts created especially for this purpose.


You can make also contact with the Central Investigation Office through the following number:  +800 444 46300.

If there occur technical problems with the availability of the hotline, please use the other listed reporting channels to report your concern to the Investigation Office


Postal address:        Investigation Office
                                   Box 1717
                                   38436 Wolfsburg (downtown)

In person:               Investigation Office
                                   Porschestraße 1
                                   38440 Wolfsburg (downtown)

Please make an appointment in advance in writing by e-mail to io@volkswagen.de.


 Dr. Rainer Buchert and Thomas Rohrbach, the external ombudsmen appointed by the Volkswagen Group, act as special counsel to accept reports of potential statutory or internal violation of regulations or any other kind of harmful conduct in the Group, and to review these with respect to plausibility and substantiality. They consult with the whistleblower if necessary. Finally, they forward all the information that has been agreed with the whistleblower to the Central Investigation Office of the VW Group for further processing.

All information is treated as confidential and it is the whistleblower who decides whether he or she wishes to protect his or her identity vis-à-vis the VW Group. The ombudsmen appointed by the Group ensure that reports from whistleblowers who do not wish to be identified by the VW Group are forwarded anonymously.

If you want to get in contact with the Ombudsmen of the VW Group you can find their contact as well as detailed information on the following homepage: http://www.ombudsmen-of-volkswagen.com/

For more information about the VW Group Whistleblower System:


Information about data protection rules

Data controller: SEAT, S.A. +info

Purposes of the processing: to manage the complaint that you may have filed through the Whistleblowing channel and to take the necessary disciplinary or legal measures. +info

Legal basis for processing this data: SEAT’s legitimate interest. Legal obligation of managing the complaints. +info          

Rights: You can exercise your legal rights of access, rectification, as well as other rights, as described in the Additional Information section. You can exercise your rights to the email address: transparencia@seat.es. +info         

Additional Information: you can consult in greater detail the Additional Information on data protection, here.